Dating pepsi cola bottles

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A true antique Pepsi bottle is made of glass so dark that you couldn't read a ring of paper through it if you held it behind the glass. The user is now directed to move towhich deals with way the bottle was finished, i. I've had long-expired ancient Pepsi in 20 oz. Pepsi - Cola Bottles Until the firm adopted Applied Color Between ACL bottles in 1943. So at this point we know that this bottle was made in 1946. The picture to the lower right is a close-up of finish of the Mission bottle. The Dating pepsi cola bottles the Thing: The Branding Evolution of Soda Pop.

Bottle Dating Examples Bottle Dating Examples of Dating Historic Bottles : : Examples INTRODUCTION This page provides some examples of how to use the website primarily the Bottle Dating pages to determine the approximate date or date range for various types of bottles made between the early 1800s and the mid-20th century. The bottles used for illustration are a small but diverse assortment designed to give users guidance on how to work a bottle through the dating information to answer the Homepage's primary question 1 - What is the age of the bottle? The example bottles are tracked though the page questions in that pages directed sequence. Hyperlinks in green to the specific dating questions on the Bottle Dating page are included so that a user can reference the necessary portions of that page. Each of the green question hyperlinks result in a pop-up page showing the particular question on the Dating Page; once read it should be deleted to avoid clutter. To return from other accessed hyperlinks, use the back arrow on your browser. If a user needs to refresh themselves on the terminology used to describe the various parts of the bottle, click on to view a pop-up page of physical bottle feature definitions. Once the likely bottle age or date range is determined, some examples of other places to look for more information is provided. Lets get started with the first bottle which is relatively easy to date... EXAMPLE 1: Click on the bottle photo to view a larger version of the image. Start with on the Dating page. The embossing indicates that this has to be a molded bottle and can not be either free-blown, dip molded, or from a turn-mold. The user is now directed to move to which deals primarily with the side mold seam. The picture to the lower right is a close-up of finish of the Mission bottle. The bottle also does not have a ground down surface on the top of the finish. The user is now directed on the Dating page to move to the portion of the Dating page. Note: This section of the dating key is a series of independent questions where the answer to any given question is not dependent on the answer to another; a user may view the questions in any order. A user would first read through the introductory section of Machine-made Bottles for general information about machine-made bottles, then move on to the first question in that section - - which deals with the glass color. Looking at the two options under Question 8, it is clear no pun intended that this bottle matches refinement 2 which makes it highly probable that this bottle dates after 1920 and but probably no later than the 1960s. We now have refined the bottle age range a bit more - between about 1920 and 1960. Move to dealing with bubbles in the glass. A close look at the picture indicates no bubbles in the glass, though subtle glass details cannot be easily portrayed in a picture. In hand, the bottle does not have any bubbles in the glass. Since the glass is without bubbles, it likely dates during or after the mid-1930s. Go to the next question. Go to the next question. So at this point we know that this bottle was made in 1946. A user need go no further through the Dating page questions to refine the date further. However, for example sake we will continue through the questions. This bottle has neither of the closure types noted; it instead has a. A close-up of this bottle's ACL is actually shown under Question 13 on the Dating page. As the information under this question notes, ACL's in the U. By considering the dating information arrived at above - excluding the makers markings on the base - we can still make a reasonable determination that this bottle almost certainly dates no earlier than 1933 ACL, lack of bubbles and could be as recent as the 1960s straw tinted colorless glass. The makers mark cinches the date in the 1940s of course, but without this marking the bottle date could not be refined further. This site contains very limited information on specific companies that utilized bottles; such information is impossibly beyond the scope of this or any site or book. A bit more information is available on this site for this type of bottle by reviewing the the page and by looking through the page for potentially useful references. This e-Book is now posted on this website and contains an extensive amount of information on soda bottles in general as well as specifically to those used in West Texas. Click to find links to the assortment of pdf files that comprise this printable e-Book. EXAMPLE 2: Click on the bottle photos to view a larger version of the image. There are no sharp lines to the bottle, just rounded corners and features. Start with on the Dating page. This question asks if there is either any embossing on the bottle or if there are mold seams present on the body, shoulder, or neck. A thorough search of the bottle glass surface finds no embossing and no apparent mold seams anywhere. The user is now directed to move to which differentiates unembossed, seam-free bottles into several categories. We now know that this bottle was either a free-blown or dip molded and that it is highly likely to date prior to 1870 - possibly much earlier. See the for more information. The blowpipe style pontil scar puts the date of this bottle as no later than approximately 1860-1865 and does indicate that it could date back to 1800 or even before. The overall crudity of the bottle would indicate a manufacturing time on the earlier end of this range. Thus, our Dating key derived age range for this bottle is 1800 to 1860, with a high likelihood of dating prior to 1850. This bottle keyed out much quicker than the first example because this is as far as the dating key goes for free-blown bottles. This early American-made bottle was free-blown not dip molded most likely at a New England glasshouse between 1780 and 1830. EXAMPLE 3: Click on the bottle photos to view a larger version of the image. This example will date two slightly different examples of the same patent or proprietary medicine Hall's Balsam for the Lungs to illustrate how the Dating page questions can differentiate the age of different versions of the same type bottle made for a lengthy period. Start with on the Dating page. The user is now directed to move to which deals primarily with the side mold seam. The picture to the right is a close-up of both bottle finishes. It shows that the side mold seam on both bottles stop well below the top of the finish. On close observation it is apparent that neither bottle has a ground down top surface to the finish. The user is now directed to move to - the first question in the section of the key that deals with the dating of mouth-blown bottles. This question deals with whether the base of a bottle has a pontil scar, and if present, what type of pontil scar. The pictures below show that neither of these bottles have any evidence of a pontil scar on the base. At this point in the Dating key we can be confident that both bottles date somewhere between about 1860 and 1915. The user is now directed to move to , which deals with way the bottle was finished, i. Click on the picture above to see more distinctly where the side mold seams end on the two bottles. This is the point in the Dating key where our two bottles diverge from each other. This feature makes it likely that this bottle dates from or after the late 1870s. The user is now directed under all of the Question 5 options to move to , which deals with diagnostic base features. This question asks if there are any mold seams within the outside edges of the bottle base. This type base seam without a pontil scar has a high probability of dating between 1860 and 1890. The user is now directed to move to the last question in the Mouth-Blown bottle section of the Dating page - - which deals with air venting marks on the bottle surface. Air venting marks can be a very useful dating tool for bottles manufactured during the late 19th century. Close inspection of both bottles shows that neither have air venting marks anywhere on the bottle. This all indicates that both bottles were likely produced no later than about 1885-1890. Embossed bottles like these offer some hope for the existence of additional information on the history of the product. The Blasi 1974 and Holcombe 1977 books in particular have excellent overviews on what is known of the product history and supports the date ranges determined above. A search on the internet will turn up some scattered references to the bottle - primarily ones that are for sale or just referenced - but little historical information. EXAMPLE 4: Click on the bottle photo to view a larger version of the image. Above the circle, ONE PINT is embossed. The reverse side and base are not embossed. From this embossing we know that this bottle is a milk or cream bottle; so the bottle type has been already established. Start with on the Dating page. The embossing indicates that this has to be a molded bottle and can not be either free-blown, dip molded, or from a turn-mold. The user is now directed to move to which deals primarily with the side mold seam. The picture to the right is a close-up of the neck and finish of the Cloverdale Dairy bottle. This bottle has side mold seams which fade out on the neck where indicated in the picture click to enlarge and do not show at any point above that on the bottle. The bottle also does not have a ground down surface at the top of the finish i. However, this determination would be incorrect for this bottle! We know from the embossing as well as the distinctive shape that this is a milk bottle subject covered within the complex of pages. However, these bottles lack other mouth-blown characteristics and have one feature that is only found on machine-made bottles made by a machine - a on the base. We now have a dating range - albeit a fairly wide range - for this bottle from the early 1900s to about 1950. The user is then encouraged in the note under Question 2 to move to the Machine-made Bottles section where one bit of additional dating refinement is that the glass has a slight straw color tint indicating manufacture after the late 1910s. Also, would confirm that this bottle is machine-made due to the presence of the valve or ejection mark on the base image below left. For brevity we will skip that portion of the Dating page. Additional information on this website could be found by visiting the page which would provide some information the small circular, machine induced valve aka ejection mark on the base picture below. The noted scuffing and wear on the bottle is a result of milk bottles typically being reused dozens or scores of times Lockhart pers. There is, however, one additional bit of information that greatly assists the dating of this bottle - the very faint rectangle embossed on the front heel of the bottle. Pacific Coast Glass used this mark from 1925 to 1930 Roller 1983; Lockhart pers. Thus, we now can be quite certain that this milk bottle was made between 1925 and 1930, which is consistent - though much more precise - than the date range arrived at above. This is an example of the importance of makers marks - when such a mark is present - in the entire equation of dating a bottle. If additional information on these type milk bottles was desired, some general information could be found by searching the internet and the page of this website. The two latter works would provide some general information on milk bottles that would be pertinent though not specific to this Nevada example. This includes dating by glass weight Girade which indicates a pre-WWII manufacturing date for this bottle and information on plate embossing, valve marks, finishes, closures, and more Lockhart 2001. EXAMPLE 5: Click on the bottle photo to view a larger version of the image. This final example will date two different age examples of bottles with virtually the same size and shape but which held different products and came from opposite ends of the country. The embossing indicates that these have to be a molded bottles and can not be either free-blown, dip molded, or from a turn-mold. The user is now directed to move to which deals primarily with the side mold seam. This is where the two bottles quickly diverge in the key. It also has the highly diagnostic horizontal mold seam circling the neck just below the bottom of the finish as well as the multiple and offset seams that are indicative of a machine manufacturing. The user is now directed to move to , which deals with way the bottle was finished, i. This bottle has a side mold seam that distinctly ends right at the base of the finish. The user is now directed to move to , which deals with diagnostic base features. This question asks if there are any mold seams within the outside edges of the bottle base. The user is now directed to move to the last question in the Mouth-Blown bottle section of the Dating page - - which deals with air venting marks on the bottle surface. Air venting marks can be a very useful dating tool for bottles manufactured during the late 19th century. This is consistent with the very flattened embossing on this bottle can not be seen in the picture. Bertrand which sank in the Missouri River in April 1865 had dozens of cases of these black glass Hostetter's Bitters on board. It is likely this bottle also dates from that era, i. Read through the introductory section of Machine-made Bottles for general information about machine-made bottles, then move on to the first question in that section - - which deals with the glass color. Note: This section of the Dating key is a series of independent questions where the answer to any given one is not dependent on the answer to another; a user may sequentially view each of the questions. Move to dealing with bubbles in the glass. Since the glass does have significant sized bubbles, it likely dates during the period between 1905-1910 and 1920s. Move to the next question. Go to the next question. Note: This diamond likely indicates manufacture by either the or more likely, a wholly owned subsidiary, IPGCo of San Francisco, CA. The latter company was in operation during the era this bottle most likely dates from - 1902-1930 Toulouse 1971. The proximity of the company to Oregon would make it a likely source. The bottle does have a distinctive suction mark indicating that it was made by an Owens Automatic Bottle Machine. These machines were licensed by and used by many other companies, however. There is a remote possibility that the bottle was made by the PA. The author of this website also has a labeled only version of a Celro-Kola Company product that has a distinct Illinois Pacific Glass Company mark, i. According to Toulouse 1971 , the company also used a diamond as a makers marking, though with the company initials in it. This is all circumstantial evidence, but it does point towards it being probable that the subject Celro-Kola was produced by IPGCo. This gives added evidence that the bottle definitely dates prior to 1930 or so. Additional information could be found elsewhere on this site - in particular on the page. To summarize Example 5, we have two morphologically and stylistically very similar bottles which were likely manufactured about 50 years apart. Once again more information could be found on these bottles by searching the internet. In addition, Switzer's 1974 book The Bertrand Bottles - A Study of 19th-Century Glass and Ceramic Containers and the California Archaeological Reports No. Treasure in a Cornfield - The Discovery and Excavation of the Steamboat Arabia Hawley 1998 is about another Missouri River steamship which sank in 1856, salvaged in the 1980s and which had at least 11 bottles of Hostetter's on board. A quick search on the internet also turned up an excellent article on Hostetter's on the Federation of Historical Bottle Collectors site at the following URL: , as well as numerous other potential information sources. Because of the likely regional distribution of the Celro-Kola product there would likely be less information available on it. However, there is some which is quite useful in narrowing down the age. Fike's 1987 book notes that the product was advertised in 1898 and 1910 in Portland. This is not inconsistent with the dating done above but is on the earlier edge of the range. This sets the earliest date for this bottle as 1915, further refining the probable age as somewhere between 1915 and the early to mid 1920s. The product Celro-Kola was also bottled earlier in a mouth-blown bottle not pictured which was produced by the Phil Blumauer Company. That companies products are also known to have been sold in label only unembossed bottles in the 1920s click for an explanation on one of the Finish Styles pages. Fowler does note that Phil Blumauer was the President of the Celro-Kola Company when formed in 1915. All this points to the following conclusion - the product was in existence prior to the Celro-Kola Company being formed which explains the advertising in 1898, but our Celro-Kola bottle can be pretty confidently dated between 1915 and the early to mid 1920s. This brings to an end the Dating page examples. It is not always easy to find all the information you desire on a specific bottle as is noted and outlined in the examples above. However, one can usually ascertain something more about most historic bottles if one is willing to spend some time doing additional research in libraries, on the internet, museums, and other places. This website is designed to provide a user some quick - and hopefully reliable - general dating and typing information... Copyright © 2018 Bill Lindsey. Viewers are encouraged, for personal or classroom use, to download limited copies of posted material. No material may be copied for commercial purposes. Author reserves the right to update this information as appropriate.

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